The gift and the joy of fidelity

There were 44 sisters from different countries like, Italy, Brazil, Uruguay, Togo, India, Romania and Myanmar, who in 2020 celebrated the anniversary of their first profession and still enthusiastic about their first 'Yes' that formed their whole life.        
- significant milestone of 25 years of religious life (16 sisters)
- extraordinary, that of 50 years (7 sisters)
- exceptional, that of 60 and 70 years (17 sisters)
- even rarer, that of 75 (4 sisters)  

A memory which, feeding on gratitude, chooses to 'remain' in God's love, offers and prays:
“Lord, my salvation comes from You, my hands are not empty, but full of your grace. My perseverance is a gift from you, from your fidelity and from your mercy. You have given me everything, in your immense gratuitousness. I joyfully repeat my daily yes to you. ".

The individual communities, on various date, gathered around the sisters to celebrate and, through the Eucharistic celebration, to praise the Lord for the wonders He has worked through them in the long years of life.

They also expressed the great affection that unites them and all the gratitude for the good that each one has sown with generous hands, by serving their brothers and sisters and by becoming a sign of God's providence which takes care of the little ones.

The gallery contains some photos of the individual celebrations, but wait to be enriched by many others...


THANK YOU after 25 years!

The anniversary of religious profession is always an opportunity to give thanks to God of life for his grace.
Recently some sisters celebrated their 25th anniversary of profession:

- Sister Rosilene da Silva Brito, Sister Cleusa Aparecida de Oliveira and Sister Teresinha Ferreira Silva in the National Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida, in Brazil, on 19 June 2023
Sister Elisabeta Butnaru in Udine, Italy, on 11 June 2023;

All are unanimous in affirming with joy: "What made us persevere in responding to the vocation were not our abilities or our strengths, but the experience of the mercy and faithfulness of God, who never abandons those who trust in Him , as our Father Saint Luigi reminds us".

Their fervent prayer, on this day of joy, is that there are other young people who have the courage to respond to the desire that lives in the depths of their hearts and through which God speaks and also calls them to a life totally given for the Kingdom.

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