COCHABAMBA - Casa provinciale

Storia e Missione

Cochabamba: la terza città della Bolivia per importanza economica; situata in una valle di terra fertile e produttiva a 2571 metri sul livello del mare; capitale della Regione omonima, con una popolazione che supera il milione di abitanti, compresi vari municipi Cercado, Sacaba, Quillacollo, Colcapirhua, Tiquipaya, Vinto y Sipe Sipe.

Alla periferia di questa città, nell’anno 1986 arrivano le figlie di Padre Luigi e vi stabiliscono la casa di delegazione, San Luigi Scrosoppi. Nel 2003 diventa Casa Provinciale con l'unione di tre Paesi di lingua spagnola: Argentina, Bolivia e Uruguay.
Attivitá pastorali della comunitá:
- catechesi per i bambini e adulti
- formazione umana e religiosa dei giovani con incontri e varie attività 
- animazione del settore liturgico, guida, canto etc…
-  accompagnamento del numeroso gruppo dei bambini/e, ragazzi/e con le loro mamme con l’aiuto del sostegno a distanza.

Attività sociali:
-  Funziona un centro medico San Luigi Scrosoppi, dove ogni giorno i poveri trovano sollievo ai loro dolori: consultorio medico generale, consultorio dentistico, laboratorio, prestazioni infermieristiche.


Hermanas de la Providencia
Casa provincial e noviciado - Casilla 4478

Tel. 00591-4-4236871
Fax 00591-4-423860

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Praise the Lord: eternal is His faithfulness

On January 4, 2019, in the provincial house of Cochabamba, with an immense joy we celebrated the 25 years of consecration of the first Bolivian sister, Sr. Remberta Chileno, who entered in the Family of the Sisters of Providence.

Already on December 4, the date of her profession, she recalled and celebrated the 25 years of her consecrated life in the mission of Buenos Aires, with the presence of the Bishop of St. Martin, Mgr. Miguel Angel D’Anibale, the parish priest Fr. Claudio Snidero, and many brothers and sisters who showed her their affection and gratitude for all what she accomplished in this mission.

In Cochabamba, a group of eight fellow priests, concelebrated the Eucharist together with the parish priest, Fr. Mario de Alarcòn. Almost all the sisters of the community of Bolivia were present and some came from Argentina and Uruguay.

During the Holy Mass, Sr. Remberta, who was very excited, renewed her consecration and thanked the Lord for these 25 years of fidelity, the religious Family for what she received and many people who accompanied along her journey. Her mother, one sister and a nephew were also present.

After the Eucharistic celebration, all those present were invited to “St. Luigi” hall to continue the feast with a special lunch, toast and folk dances.

A day to say thanks to the Lord with the words of Psalm 117: “In His eternal mercy, as to Virgin Mary, also to our Sr. Remberta, God has done great things and has shown His love and His fidelity”

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