First steps of a long way

On 8 September, together with the sisters of India, we experienced a day of joy and thanksgiving to the Lord for having given to the religious Family some young girls who have begun or continued their journey of initial formation.
- 7 aspirants have started the POSTULANCY: Immaculate, Jobalin, Jospa, Pinki, Prativa, Reshma, Sedekhono
- 5 postulants have begun the NOVITIATE: Anugraha, Baiahunlin, Bashilda, Divya, Elizabeth
Their smiling face is a manifestation of a serene heart that desires to respond to God's grace with a life of commitment and coherence.

Let us pray for each of them, entrusting them to the maternal intercession of Mary, Mystical Rose, the mother of every vocation, She who always accompanies the steps of those who want to follow her Son Jesus on the path of holiness.


THANK YOU after 25 years!

The anniversary of religious profession is always an opportunity to give thanks to God of life for his grace.
Recently some sisters celebrated their 25th anniversary of profession:

- Sister Rosilene da Silva Brito, Sister Cleusa Aparecida de Oliveira and Sister Teresinha Ferreira Silva in the National Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida, in Brazil, on 19 June 2023
Sister Elisabeta Butnaru in Udine, Italy, on 11 June 2023;

All are unanimous in affirming with joy: "What made us persevere in responding to the vocation were not our abilities or our strengths, but the experience of the mercy and faithfulness of God, who never abandons those who trust in Him , as our Father Saint Luigi reminds us".

Their fervent prayer, on this day of joy, is that there are other young people who have the courage to respond to the desire that lives in the depths of their hearts and through which God speaks and also calls them to a life totally given for the Kingdom.


Young lives offered to the Lord

It is always a joy for a religious Family and it is an opportunity to thank the Lord when new young girls begin one of the stages of their initial formation journey.

And so, in Keng Tung, Myanmar, on 6 August, six novices pronounced their yes with the first profession of vows: Sister Agnese, Sister Angela, Sister Christopher, Sister Veronica, Sister Pasqualina, Sister Martha in a joyful atmosphere of having among them Sister Sandra, the superior general.

The following day on 7 August, the feast of our special Protector, St. Cajetan, in Lomé, Togo, Déborah, Laurice Diane, Ninon, Marie Reine Denise, Nadège, Thérèse, began their postulancy.

And on 15 August, on the feast of the Assumption of Mary, three postulants Aubine, Nina and Olga, also in Lomé, entered the novitiate.

We express our fraternal wishes and prayers to each of these 15 young girls: may their hearts be increasingly inflamed with the love towards the Lord who called them to the life of consecration, and that, by the example and intercession of our Founder, Saint Luigi Scrosoppi, they know how to love Him and serve Him in their brothers and sisters.

Have a good life, dear sisters!

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